Saturday, December 15, 2007

Purple Poinsettias =)

Can you believe it? Every year for as long as I can remember we head to a local florists and pick out two "Fireside Baskets", one for our house and one for our neighbors (they are the sweetest couple ever!). These pretty poinsettias in baskets are meant to put on your fireplace hearth, but we don't have a fireplace so it sits in the middle of our dinette table. That little area is home to most of my purple treasures. The curtains are Longaberger Lilacs and Roses, there is a gorgeous vintage yard long of violets, two other beautiful vintage lilac prints, my two purple lamps, and other assorted vintage purple pretties. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked - LOL! When we walked into the florists to get the baskets for this year I was SO excited when I spotted a few purple ones - Whoo Hoo! I was a happy camper. I scooped one up and it now sits proudly on our dinette table. I love it! My neighbors aren't quite as crazy about purple as I am, so they received a traditional red poinsettia basket...


Di said...

Those poinsettas were made for you!

Barbara Jacksier said...

Purple poinsettias... what will they think of next? Gorgeous!

Rosemary said...

I have never seen purple pointsettias before. Amazing!

Flea Market Queen said...

Love those!
So beautiful & so you!
Happy Holidays...

Cathy said...

O.K. I'm loving these purple pointsettias. Unbelievable

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season filled with joy and a Happy New Year!
