Chubby Sassy Bossy Chunky Doodle Man
Today was another Ashy Doodle Day. Ashy and I ran some errands. We went to the credit union, dropped off some ebay packages at DHL, filled the car up (well only half way up - gas prices around here are awful and I just can't bring myself to fill up my tank) and then we were off to do some treasure hunting... I collect old off white matte pottery pieces and we found one at a little antique shop, on sale, (whoo hoo! gotta love that!) for $4.00, so that is a present for me. Then we found the neatest vintage puzzle. The puzzle and box are round and the graphics on the front of the box are just gorgeous. I will be listing that on ebay. I'm hoping to sit down later tonight and make sure that all of the pieces are in the box. After a few stops we headed back home and Ash was whooped and feeling a bit sassy - LOL! So, I put Chunky Man in his stroller and wheeled him around our house - which is so very small and not intended for stroller use - LOL! Ashton gets SO hot and does NOT like the hot weather (neither does Grammy) so we cranked the central air and went for a stroller ride in the house and there he slept until his Dad came to get him a little while later. He looked so cute sitting in his stroller sleeping that I had to snap a few pictures to share with you. I just love that cute and chubby lil' man...
Your little man with his chubby bits is gorgeous! Glad you had a lovely day.
BTW, you should see the price we have to pay for gas in the UK!! AGGGHHH!
What a little porkchop you are Ashy! My fingers are just twitching to tickle all those chubby little toes. What a smart Grammy you have to wheel you around inside where it was cool! (And there, just off camera, is Grammy just a-bursting with pride!)
awww how cute
he isnt gonna be no fairy boy
for long i can see that.
Why are they only pixies for such
a short adorable moment in time.
Enjoy your baby ashy doodle grandson
he is so a sweetie.
Sooo cute!!
Sounds like a fun day.
Have a great weekend,
Ohhh, so sweet. He is adorable. Love those little chubby cheeks & kissable toes! Sounds like the two of you had a wonderful day!
Angelic Accents
WHAT A CUTIE!!! I turn my air on today too.
Awww Debbie, he is such a sweetie. Enjoy it while you can, before you know it he will be a bigger Mr Bossy, just like our Sam-lol. How funny, it just seems like yesterday you posted pics of your house covered in snow and now you are hot-lol. We are getting a little cold here, I'm about to go turn the air on to warm.
Hugz, Coll XO
awww i just wanna pinch those chubby lil' cheeks and smack a big kiss on that chubby face!
what a darlin angel boy.
Oooh I love photos of baby feet! Have a good weekend.
Kim x
There's nothing like little baby feet and chubby legs!
I'd leave him in the stroller too...mine never would transfer to another spot...they'd wake up every time!!
I just want to kiss those gorgeous chubby cheeks!
Oh how we love the sight of a sleeping little angel! My little mr chubby is almost 2 months and I can never get enough of him, gosh I wish mine were still babies!! Enjoy that precious boy they grow so fast! Lori
Just tooo cute.
Suzie Sews
Debbie, Ashy photos are darling! You are blessed to have such a sweet heathly Grandson..God bless you, Ashy, & Meggan:-}~Mary~
Just ran across your blog. What a sweetie pie :)
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