Sunday, February 11, 2007

O.k., here's my first try at Bloggng

Well, it's Sunday afternoon and I just finished my ebay listings for today. You can find me most days on ebay. I also work part time outside the home, but buying and selling on ebay is one of my most favorite things to be doing (although since Ashton was born (my first grandbubby) he's become one of my "favorite things"). I have found that I get lost in "blog land" - LOL! I have stumbled across some fabulous blogs with oh so pretty pictures. Hopefully mine will look as nice as I learn what I'm doing here and learn how to post pictures, etc.

Toodles, Debbie

1 comment:

FourSistersInACottage said...

I love your Blog Debbie and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us.
I have added you to "some of my favorite blogs to read"
Hugs, Amy