Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lots of Ebay Goodies

Yeah! Finally!!! Treasure hunting has been a bit sparse these last few weeks, but I finally found quite a few wonderful treasures the last couple of weekends. I absolutely adore chubby faced vintage cherubs and this sweetie is no exception. I was kind of hoping he wouldn't get any bids (I currently have him listed on ebay if you'd like to take a peek) and then I could keep him - LOL! I had grand plans for this chubby cherub... I was going to have Mike drill holes in the metal leaves and then I was going to hang vintage crystals (purple and/or lavender - of course!). Oh well, maybe I'll find another on my next treasure hunt...


Cape Cod Washashore said...

Ohhhh! I love that rosey pillow! All those treasures are yummy.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

That is such a great idea about adding the crystals!!! You have to! I want to see it too...let me know when and where :)

FourSistersInACottage said...

I didn't realize how "CHUBBY" he was....LOVE that chubby guy!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)